We work together with society, companies and Public Administration to solve a necessity
We recover materials, especially plastic, and turn it into new raw materials within a circular economy.
PRECO has the capacity to manage the entire process of plastic reuse: we search for the best location for our installations, we negotiate with Public Administrations, we ensure the supply of waste, we design and manufacture the machinery, we develop the thermochemical process to obtain bioliquid and, finally, we commercialize it.

We cover the entire cycle of the value chain:

Self promotion and co-promotion of waste recovery facilities.

We design and build recycling facilities.

The best Spanish technology for plastic transformation.

Comprehensive project management.

Of sustainable products of second generation.
PRECO has its own technology developed in Spain by Neoliquid®. It is a zero waste thermal pyrolysis process that transforms plastic waste into bioliquid.
Our pyrolysis system is carried out by heat in an oxygen-free atmosphere. There is no combustion and therefore no harmful atmospheric pollutants such as dioxins and furans are generated.
PRECO’s advanced chemical recycling process is characterized by an efficient exploitation during the entire process: there are no residues and it generates three elements:
Synthesis gas
Renewable bioliquid
Recovered for industrial uses, as a substitute for mineral coal.
Re-used as a thermal source to maintain the temperature of the pyrolysis process.
It can be used as an advanced fuel, for sectors such as transportation, and as a raw material, for the petrochemical industry.
Recovered for industrial uses, as a substitute for mineral coal.
Synthesis gas
Re-used as a thermal source to maintain the temperature of the pyrolysis process
Renewable bioliquid
It can be used as an advanced fuel, for sectors such as transportation, and as a raw material, for the petrochemical industry.
our process
The benefits of our technology

The benefits of our technology
Prevents thousands of tonnes of plastic from being buried every year or ending up in the sea. It is expected that plastic take more than 1.000 years to degrade.
As there is no combustion, no harmful air pollutants such as dioxins and furans are generated.
Although our technology allows the recycling of all types of plastic we do not work with so-called chlorinated plastics .Plastic waste treated by PRECO can be converted into new plastics of virgin quality.
PRECO’s technology balances emissions. Every tonne of plastic recovered is a tonne that does not degrade nature.
Neoliquid® Technology
Awarded as the most innovative project in circular economy

Using our technology ,we obtain 7 products:

recover the following materials

Urban waste
Besides plastic, the Neoliquid® technology used by PRECO allows to recover other wastes such as paper, cardboard, wood and textiles, nowadays mostly buried in landfills.
Industrial waste
The technology used by PRECO can be applied to different kinds of industrial waste. Among them, the following stand out for their suitability: different sludges resulting from industrial processes, plastics, end-of-life tires, rubbers, used oils, biomass of industrial origin and also solid recovered fuel (SRF) composed of an organic fraction, mainly of paper and cardboard, among others, and of a plastic fraction.

PRECO Circular also works to recover and to give new value to bio-wastes of gardens and parks, to food and kitchen wastes from homes, restaurants, collective catering services, retail establishments and installations of food processing.
Agroforestry biomass
The Neoliquid® technology also treats agroforestry biomass. PRECO can give a new value to residues of silvicultural works such as pruning, clearing or thinning of forests, to treatments of agroforestry crops and to wastes of the agroforestry industry of first transformation, specially shells and seeds of different fruits.

Urban waste
Besides plastic, the Neoliquid® technology used by PRECO allows to recover other wastes such as paper, cardboard, wood and textiles, nowadays mostly buried in landfills.

Industrial waste
The technology used by PRECO can be applied to different kinds of industrial waste. Among them, the following stand out for their suitability: different sludges resulting from industrial processes, plastics, end-of-life tires, rubbers, used oils, biomass of industrial origin and also solid recovered fuel (SRF) composed of an organic fraction, mainly of paper and cardboard, among others, and of a plastic fraction.

PRECO Circular also works to recover and to give new value to bio-wastes of gardens and parks, to food and kitchen wastes from homes, restaurants, collective catering services, retail establishments and installations of food processing.

Agroforestry biomass
Agroforestry biomass is also no stranger to Neoliquid® technology. The capacity of PRECO allows to give a new value to the remains of silvicultural work such as pruning, clearing or thinning of forests, the treatments of agroforestry crops and the waste of the agroforestry industry of first transformation, highlighting shells and seeds of various fruits.