A simple word. A challenge to overcome.
When we think about taking care of the planet and its sustainability, the difficult thing is to find balance. There are conflicting debates and simplification of problems. Some seek the total elimination of the advances that allowed us to improve life quality, while others deny the existence of any environmental damage.
Many times it seems impossible to achieve a consensus between both positions. However, beyond ideologies or utopias, there is a true desire to find answers, there is a will of companies, organizations and institutions to seek a solution to our reality.
This desire to seek solutions to the sustainability of our planet, is the beginning of PRECO, a company that was born to become a fundamental actor in the change of the economic model, within the spirit of a sustainable planet that can give an answer to the needs of mankind.
That is why we focus on plastic, a material that allowed many advances in food safety, health safety, telecommunications, transport, construction… but that in return is buried in landfills or thrown into the sea, becoming a huge problem for the planet sustainability.
We know the solution is not to eliminate the use of plastic. But to RETHINK its use, and to go further, to turn plastic into a source of sustainable raw material. PRECO wants to change the chemical industrial model … and to solve the problem of plastic.

Achieve a high-quality biofuel that can be used as a new source of secondary raw material
Because one day we dreamt of zero waste world, today we are able to do it.

UN Global Compact
At PRECO we want to play a fundamental role in the United Nations’ roadmap to align business objectives with those of equity and sustainability. Therefore, we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the 2030 Agenda of the UN, that aim to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere.

European Directives
The European Union has a strong commitment to fight against high levels of pollution, environmental degradation and the depletion of natural resources. For this reason, the EU set a roadmap towards an efficient Europe in the use of resources, with the goal of achieving a sustainable economy by 2050. PRECO wants to be a leading actor within the framework of the European Green Deal. The new EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy is a programm to achieve a cleaner and more competitive Europe in the future and to contribute to climate neutrality.


Ethical code
PRECO is governed by a set principles and values that form the company’s code of conduct. All the people part of PRECO are committed to its ethical code.
Our code of ethics includes a whole set of values and principles that guide the behavior and activity of all professionals with absolute respect for people, society and the environment.

For this reason we are committed voluntarily through our ESG policy, and beyond mere regulatory compliance, to a set of measures aimed at informing society about our activities, management, results and contribution to society.
For PRECO the most important thing is the trust of it’s employees, customers, suppliers and of all people that are somehow related with the company.
For this reason we are committed voluntarily through our ESG policy, and beyond mere regulatory compliance, to a set of measures aimed at informing society about our activities, management, results and contribution to society.